UC Library Search will replace UCSB Library Search and Melvyl as the new unified UC-wide discovery tool on July 27, 2021. Some services and functions will be impacted starting July 7. To help you prepare for the transition to UC Library Search, review the following Q&A’s:
What will happen to My Library Account in UCSB Library Search? Do I need to do anything? Do I need to turn books back in?
No. Your UCSB Library Search “My Library Account” will automatically become a UC Library Search account on July 27 and will reflect your current loans. However, starting July 7 you will not have access to your UCSB Library Search account. You do not need to take any action unless you have saved records, saved searches, or bookmarks to UCSB Library Search records (see below).
I have saved records in UCSB Library Search. What should I do to keep them?
Most records saved in UCSB Library Search will be viewable in UC Library Search after July 27. To view your current saved records, sign into UCSB Library Search before July 7, navigate to “Saved Items,” and review the list of items under “Saved Records.” To ensure all of your saved records are retained during the migration, use the citation feature for each record to export it to your preferred citation management software.
I have saved searches in UCSB Library Search. What should I do to keep them?
Results from saved searches made before July 7 in UCSB Library Search may not migrate to UC Library Search after July 27. Saved searches that successfully migrate will display different results to reflect resources from all UC Libraries. To ensure all of your saved searches are retained during the migration, sign into UCSB Library Search before July 7, navigate to “Saved Items” and review your “Saved Searches.” Make a note of your search terms if you wish to reuse them in UC Library Search.
What do I do about permalinks or bookmarks to UCSB Library Search records?
UCSB Library Search permalinks or bookmarks will not redirect to UC Library Search. If you have links to records in your browser bookmarks, GauchoSpace course sites, or elsewhere, you can log in to UCSB Library Search and save the records to your account. Then, before July 7, use the citation feature for each record to export it to your preferred citation management software. After July 27 you can locate the record in UC Library Search and create a new bookmark.
How do I renew my UCSB items after July 7?
Between July 7 and July 27 you will not be able to renew your materials using your UCSB Library Search “My Library Account.” Due dates for most (but not all) current loans will be extended to September 20. If you have questions about whether or not your loans will be extended, contact circ@library.ucsb.edu before July 7.
Will Pickup and Mailing Services be available from July 7 to July 27?
Yes! You will be able to continue to use UCSB Library Search to view and request local materials for Pickup and Mailing. During this period, the “Request” option will direct you to a Google Form to complete your Pickup and Mailing request.
Will I be able to receive my Interlibrary Loan requests from July 7 to July 27?
Between July 7 and July 27 there will be delays in receiving physical Interlibrary Loan materials at UCSB Library. Materials received at UCSB Library during this period of time will not be available for pickup until after July 27. You will be notified via email when your Interlibrary Loans are available for pickup. For the duration of this delay, we encourage patrons to request individual book chapters in lieu of physical loans.
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