Sara Miller McCune Arts Library opening on Dec. 2

The new Sara Miller McCune Arts Library will open to the public on Monday, December 2

The creation of this thoughtfully designed and vibrant new space with state-of-the-art technology on the main Library’s 1st floor Mountain Side was made possible by the generosity of philanthropist, arts lover, and longtime UCSB donor Sara Miller McCune. The gift was made in collaboration with McCune’s social science publishing company, Sage Publishing. 

Library's new consultation service targets campus research labs

New requirements from funding agencies and publishers to improve the reproducibility of scientific results, and to ensure that data and code products of grant-funded research are "Fair, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)," have sparked an open science revolution. While the benefits of open science are widely recognized, the burden of implementing its principles is left to researchers, and too often is unfunded.

New and Improved Interface for Articles and Databases

The interface of the database list on the Library homepage will change on Tuesday, September 17. Library website users who click on the “Articles & Databases” button or the “Articles & Databases” link in the main navigation menu will be redirected to the new interface,

The new interface will make it easier for Library users to discover available databases and electronic resources by offering several improvements:

UCSB Receives the Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Archive

The UCSB Library has acquired the Cedric J. and Elizabeth P. Robinson Archive, a collection of research and teaching papers, ephemera and digital materials related to the careers of the Robinsons, renowned for their seminal scholarship and activism that had wide-ranging influence at UC Santa Barbara, in academia, and across many public arenas. The archive was donated by Elizabeth P. Robinson and their daughter, Najda Ife Robinson-Mayer.


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