Playing with Legos … at a university?!

Picture students divided into groups in a classroom, each group intently focused on a pile of Lego® building bricks. You’re probably picturing children at an elementary school, but in this particular case, they are graduate students at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC Santa Barbara. Their task? To build a fantasy creation of their liking, with the proviso that they must describe their construction, in writing, in a way that it can be replicated.

New Open Access Agreement Between UC and SAGE Publishing

The University of California has entered into a two-year transformative open access agreement with SAGE Publishing. The agreement runs from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2024, and covers open access publishing and reading access to SAGE’s hybrid and fully open access journals. The agreement includes open access publishing of an unlimited number of articles by corresponding authors at all ten UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and provides researchers throughout the UC system with expanded reading access to the full portfolio of SAGE journals.

Nubian Studies: A Case Study in Scholar-Led Open Access Publishing

The UCSB Library Scholarly Communication Program is pleased to present Nubian studies scholar, punctum books co-director, and philologist Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei.  

Vincent will discuss how community-focused, scholar-led open access publishing can help launch fields of inquiry and study that otherwise would not have adequate resources to establish themselves, because most publishers would consider the discipline too "small" and thus too risky to commit publishing resources. 

Fair Use Week: February 20-24

UCSB Library is participating in Fair Use Week, a national event coordinated annually by the Association of Research Libraries that celebrates and explores fair use rights under the copyright statute. We invite you to learn more about fair use in academia by visiting our information table in the Library Paseo during Fair Use Week, February 20-24, 2017.


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