Monkey on a Stick movie poster
UCSB Library’s Special Research Collections (SRC) is often cited as a source in research papers, album releases, and monographs, but rarely does it appear in films. SRC recently made its film debut in a provocative documentary, Monkey on a Stick: Murder, Madness and the Hare Krishnas, directed by...
People sitting at tables and walking in the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library
The new Sara Miller McCune Arts Library will open to the public on Monday, December 2.  The creation of this thoughtfully designed and vibrant new space with state-of-the-art technology on the main Library’s 1st floor Mountain Side was made possible by the generosity of philanthropist, arts lover,...
Partial image of cover of Columbia Records Italy's 1926 General Catalog
Thanks to generous support from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, UC Santa Barbara Library recently completed a project to digitize portions of its historical sound recording collection of recordings made by Columbia Records in Italy between 1923 and 1950. During this golden age of Italian...
 Harry Carey and his son Harry Carey, Jr., at 8 days old
At the intersection of Hollywood’s Golden Age and the rugged spirit of the American West stands the Carey family, a long line of entertainers who profoundly shaped the film industry in the 20th century and significantly contributed to the history and evolution of the Western cinema genre. The...
UCSB Reads 2025 book selection
Fri, Nov 1, 9:32 am | UCSB Reads
The UC Santa Barbara Library and the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor are pleased to announce the selection of the 2025 UCSB Reads book, The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay. Now in its 19th year, UCSB Reads is an award-winning program that brings the campus and Santa Barbara communities...
Caves Lab PhD student Bryce Barbee and research technician Miya Ball observe the behavior of cleaner shrimp on a typical video brought back from their field site in Curaçao.
New requirements from funding agencies and publishers to improve the reproducibility of scientific results, and to ensure that data and code products of grant-funded research are "Fair, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)," have sparked an open science revolution. While the benefits of...
Mark Clemente
In celebration of Open Access Week 2024 (October 21 - 27), the UCSB Library spoke to Mark Clemente, the Open Access Publisher Agreements Manager at California Digital Library (CDL), about the University of California's Transformative Agreements with scholarly journal publishers.​  The UCSB Library...
A professor sitting at a table with students
Memorandum of understanding signed for four-year agreement that will empower more UC authors to share their scholarship openly with the world The University of California (UC) and Taylor & Francis today announced a memorandum of understanding for a four-year read and publish agreement that will...
Mon, Sep 16, 12:32 pm | Art & Architecture, Gifts & Donors, Music
The new Arts Library is opening in late fall quarter.  Art & Architecture and Music print collections are inaccessible for public browsing until the opening of the Arts Library but can be requested via UC Library Search.  Music CDs (XCD) and LPs (XL2) now circulate outside of the Library with a...
Student using a laptop in the Library
The interface of the database list on the Library homepage will change on Tuesday, September 17. Library website users who click on the “Articles & Databases” button or the “Articles & Databases” link in the main navigation menu will be redirected to the new interface, https://guides....
