To sign in to the wireless network, the proxy server, the VPN, or UC Library Search use your UCSB NetID and password.

UCSB Students

Use your UCSB NetID and password

UCSB Current Faculty and Staff

Use your UCSB NetID and password

  • For faculty, this is the ID and password you use for E-grades and Canvas.
  • For other employees, this is the ID and password that is used for Espresso, Kronos, Gateway, the Data Warehouse, Barc, the Travel Voucher System, UCPath, and other systems on campus.
  • Use the Identity Manager to reset your password.
  • You also need to set up for multi-factor authentication (MFA) using DUO.

Emeritus Faculty and Without Salary Researchers

  • Emeritus Faculty must now be entered in the personnel system by their department in order to have a UCSBnet ID and password.
  • Without Salary Researchers who have a formal appointment within a campus department or institute should speak to the MSO of their department to obtain a UCSBnet ID and password.

Not UCSB Student or Employee

  • You may use our online resources from our user workstations in the library, but are not eligible for off-campus use.
  • Note: Alumni status or membership in the Alumni Association do not entitle you to have a UCSBnet ID.

Important Note About Password Problems

  • Library staff does not have access to your UCSB NetID and password information. If you have forgotten your ID or password, use the Identity Manager to reset your password.