I am trying to sign into the proxy server, but it does not give me the sign-in page.
- If you are already signed in to the proxy server, it will not prompt you again. Look at the URL address bar of your browser. Does it include the words "proxy.library.ucsb.edu"? If so, you are already signed in and will not be prompted again.
- There may be a firewall blocking access to the proxy server.
I am having troubles with Duo authentication.
Duo authentication is managed at the campus level. For more information on Duo authentication, see the following webpages:
- Getting Started with MFA with Duo - https://www.it.ucsb.edu/mfa/getting-started-mfa-duo
- Which Devices Should I Enroll in MFA with Duo - https://www.it.ucsb.edu/mfa/which-devices-should-i-enroll-mfa-duo
- Adding Multiple Devices for MFA with Duo - https://www.it.ucsb.edu/mfa/adding-multiple-devices-mfa-duo
How do I know if I am already signed into the proxy server?
- Look at the URL in the address bar of your browser. Do you see "proxy.library.ucsb.edu"? If yes, then you are already signed in.
I am trying to access a database or an e-journal, but I get a "404 Page Not Found" or "File Not Found" message.
- This usually means there is a problem on the vendor's end.
- Please report the problem. Include the title and URL of the resource you were trying to use.
I am trying to access a database or an e-journal and I get a "Connection refused by..." message from the database provider's server.
- Please report the problem to the Library webmaster. Include the name of the resource, the URL, and the text of the error message in the email.
I am trying to access a database or an e-journal and I get a "Configuration Error" or "Oops" message from the proxy server.
- The site has not been properly configured by the campus proxy server administrator. Please follow the instructions on the error message page and report the issue. We will work to resolve it as quickly as possible.
- NOTE: If you are using the Off-Campus bookmark tool, wait until you get to a page where you need the proxy server before you use the tool. Otherwise, you might get an error message.
I am trying to access a database or e-journal, but the publisher's site is prompting me to sign in.
The problem is probably one of three things:
- You may have found an online journal (or issue of a journal) that the UCSB Library does NOT subscribe to.
- The library may need to adjust the configuration of Off-Campus Access for the particular database or journal site. If you think this might be the case, please report the problem.
- You have gone straight to the journal's website from off-campus without going through the UCSB Library's website. Use the Off-Campus Access bookmark tool to sign into the proxy server.
I am able to access the resources, but pop-up windows are blocked. What should I do?
- Disable pop-up blockers when you are using our licensed databases and journals. You can always go back and enable this again later.
- For most browsers, if you search Google for "how to disable pop-up blockers" you will be able to find instructions. You will need to know the name of your browser and which version you are using.
I get past the proxy server sign in page, but when I click on links, nothing seems to happen.
- This is probably due to pop-up blockers set up on the computer that you are using. See the answer above.
I am receiving a cookie error.
- The proxy server and some licensed databases send "cookies" when you connect to them to verify that you are an authorized user. Ad-blocking software may have settings that block cookies.
- Please enable cookies in your browser.
Why do certain features or links in the database not function when I am using the proxy server?
If certain links or other parts of the site are not functioning, there are a few possibilities:
- The database vendor or e-journal publisher is having a technical problem.
- You may have found an online journal (or issue of a journal) that the UCSB Library does NOT subscribe to.
- The library may need to adjust the configuration of Off-Campus Access for the particular database or journal site. Please report the problem so that we can confirm the root of the problem.
When I click through a PDF table of contents for an electronic journal, the proxy server breaks. Why is that?
- The proxy server authentication cannot pass through PDF documents. We recommend that you use the HTML version of the table of contents.
- You can also use the Off-Campus Access Bookmark Tool to fix the authentication when it breaks.