When you use your library card, you agree to abide by the following provisions of the UCSB Library Lending Code.  Failure to comply with the provisions may result in a revocation of your library privileges.

  • Library cards are NOT transferable.  You may use a government-issued photo ID to check out library materials, as long as you have a valid Access Card or library card. You are responsible for all library materials borrowed in your name (this includes proxy IDs) until those materials are returned to the library.
  • Please keep your mailing and email addresses current. You may update this information in “My Library Account.”  Address updates may also be sent to Circulation Services.   You are responsible for keeping your addresses updated.
  • It is your responsibility to keep track of library materials that are checked out to you and the materials' due dates. You can see what items you have checked out, and renew eligible items, from “My Library Account.” Failure to renew or return material by the due date can lead to fees and fines being charged to your BARC account. More information on the Library’s Fees and Fines can be found here. 
  • Materials must be returned to the library in the same physical condition as when they were checked out. Highlighting or marking in items, or using adhesive notes, is prohibited, and you will be charged for damages. Theft, mutilation, or defacement of Library materials is punishable by law (imprisonment up to six months and a fine not to exceed $1000). Offenses are referred to the District Attorney's Office for appropriate action. 
  • If you lose your Access Card or library card, please notify the Services Desk as soon as possible. You are responsible for any library materials checked out with the card before its loss is reported to the library.  
  • Contact:  circ@library.ucsb.edu.  Telephone (805) 893-3491.

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