The campus Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an alternative to the proxy server for off-campus access to the Library's electronic resources. You will need to download the VPN client software, install it on your computer, and set up for Duo Authentication.

Once you have downloaded, installed, and configured the client, and registered for Duo Authentication, you can sign in to the VPN and will be given a UCSB IP address for the duration of your VPN session.

You can then open a web browser and use any of our subscription electronic resources.

The VPN will also provide authentication for databases that require proprietary software to use. These software packages will not work with the proxy server. Examples of these software packages include the Insight Client software and EndNote desktop with connection files.

This service is managed by UCSB Campus IT.

About the VPN

Why Use the VPN?

You need the VPN because...

  • The resources available through are library subscriptions are generally superior to anything you can get free on the Internet
  • Access to our online subscriptions are validated by the IP address of your computer
  • The VPN gives you an on-campus IP address while you are connected

VPN use is available only to UCSB faculty, staff, and current students.

When Would I Use the VPN?You need the VPN ...
  • if you want to access library resources and you are off campus
  • Hint: If the resource you want to use is listed as "Campus Access Only," then you will need the VPN or proxy server to access it from off campus.

You do not need the VPN ...

  • if you only want to use the UC Library Catalog or WorldCat
  • if you are connected to the campus network
    • your computer is anywhere on campus (i.e. in the library or your campus office)
    • your computer is connected to the Internet via an on-campus wireless network
    • your computer is connected to ResNet through on-campus housing

Set-Up Instructions

How it Works
  • Open your VPN client software.
  • Sign in using your UCSB NetID and password.
  • Authenticate with Duo.
  • Once you have connected, you can open your browser and begin your research.
  • NOTE:  First time users should read the Installation and Usage Instructions for your computer type or device.  If you do not follow these directions, the VPN will not work and you will be unable to access our subscription electronic resources.