
UCSB Library offers a wide range of study spaces and media rooms to meet a variety of study needs and preferences.

Reservable Spaces

Group Study RoomsReservable and drop-In Group Study Rooms are located throughout the Library for UCSB students, faculty, and staff groups of 2-10 people. Reservable Group Study Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance and for 4 hours per week through an online reservation system.

Presentation Practice RoomThe Presentation Practice Room (Room 1506) allows UCSB students, faculty and staff to practice, refine, and record oral and multimedia presentations for classes and seminars, conferences, thesis defenses, and other events. The room can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance and for up to 4 hours per week through an online reservation system.

Multimedia Studio

The Multimedia Studio and the room's reservation system will open to UCSB affiliates in March 2025.

The Multimedia Studio (Room 1402) provides access to high-quality equipment for podcast and video/interview recording and for group listening.

Media Lab

The Media Lab (Room 1408) provides access to four Mac workstations each equipped with headphones, midi keyboards and specialized audio/video software.

Listening Rooms

The Listening Rooms (Rooms 1404 and 1406) provide access to analog and digital equipment for listening to LP and CD collections.

TA Consultation RoomsTwo TA Consultation Rooms (Rooms 1505A and 1505B) are available overnight and on weekends to graduate Teaching Assistants to meet with their students for tutoring and academic consultation.

LockersSmall lockers are available to currently enrolled graduate and honors students. Locker assignments must be renewed each quarter.


Other Spaces

Quiet FloorsFloors 5-8 are designated quiet study spaces. Quiet means: No cell phone rings or conversations; no group study; no loud or prolonged talking; minimal and quiet keyboarding; and audio only at a low volume with headphones.

Faculty StudyThe Faculty Study (Room 1505A) offers a dedicated quiet, modern reading room environment exclusively for UCSB faculty, researchers and lecturers.

Graduate Study RoomsThree Graduate Study Rooms offer a dedicated modern reading room environment for quiet study exclusively for UCSB graduate students.

Listening/Viewing StationA public Listening/Viewing Station is available to all Library users and features DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, CD, LP and cassette players, headphones and a monitor.