The primary mission of the UCSB Library is to support the University's students, faculty, and staff. As a public institution, the UCSB Library is open and accessible to anyone with information, research, and learning needs. The UCSB Library seeks to provide a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment for those visiting and working in the Library. This Building Use & Conduct Policy sets expectations for the use of Library spaces and is designed to ensure that the entire community of Library users can access and utilize the shared resources of the Library with privacy, dignity, and respect. 

Policy Enforcement

All patrons are required to comply with directions from Library staff and other University officials in the performance of their duties. Patrons in violation of the UCSB Library Building Use & Conduct Policy will be approached and informed about the policy violation and asked to comply accordingly, and may also be asked to leave the building, refused future access, referred to the Office of Student Conduct, Academic Senate, or reported to the UCSB Police Department.

Problems, concerns, or policy violations may be reported to any Library service desk, Library Building Operations, or Library Administration. Non-urgent issues or comments may also be reported online using our Suggestion Box form. If you experience or observe bias in your use of the Library, please submit a report.

Specific UCSB Library policies are outlined below; all other University policies not listed are also enforced.


Alcohol is prohibited in the Library. Exceptions are made for events approved and sponsored by the Library, during which alcohol consumption by anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited.


The only animals allowed in the Library are those trained to assist persons with disabilities, as defined by the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Requirements for Service Animals. This does not include emotional support animals. Unattended animals anywhere on campus are in violation of the campus policy and Santa Barbara County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7 - Animals and Fowl, Article II - Restraint and Impoundment, Section 7-11 (Ordinance No.4948).

Bicycles, Skateboards, and Other Modes of Transportation

Bicycles may not be carried, rolled, or ridden in the Library under any circumstances. All bicycles must be parked in designated bicycle racks; if you do not have a bike lock, one can be checked out at the Services Desk. Failure to comply with these regulations is considered a violation of UCSB Bike/Skateboard Rules and Regulations.  

Powered scooters, skateboards, and other vehicles are not permitted in the Library. Non-powered skateboards and skates may be brought into the Library, but may not be ridden or used in the building or near Library entrances. They must be stored out of the way of traffic when in the building. Assistive devices for persons with disabilities or injuries are exempt.

The University of California prohibits the use, possession, charging, or storage of hoverboards in any of its buildings, including the UCSB University Library, per the University Hoverboard Policy.

Curfew for Non-affiliates

The University’s Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California applies to non-affiliate use of the Library.

A non-affiliate is any person who is not a regularly enrolled UCSB student or currently employed faculty or staff member with valid UCSB Access Card identification. After Library public hours end and Late Night Study begins, non-affiliates may not remain in the University Library.

Library staff monitor the building during Late Night Study and may confirm UCSB affiliation by requesting to see a valid UCSB Access Card or other forms of documentation confirming UCSB affiliation.

Disruptive Behavior 

Behavior that disrupts other patrons’ ability to use Library spaces, resources, and services for research and learning, is prohibited, as is behavior that prohibits Library staff from performing their job duties. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Excessive noise
  • Yelling 
  • Bringing strong odors into the Library 
  • Blocking passage or egress
  • Occupying multiple work spaces and preventing access to shared resources
  • Abusive conduct such as threatening or harassing Library users or staff
  • Cyberbullying and other disruptive behavior in electronic media
  • Refusing to comply with Library policies or directions of Library staff

Disruptive behavior may be in violation of California Penal Code, Sections 415 and 415.5. 

Film, Videography and Photography

Library users or employees may not be filmed or photographed without their knowledge and consent.

Permits are required for any filming or photoshoots done on UC property, and are subject to approval. They may require insurance coverage, and an application fee. The University of California has the right to deny any request. Permit requests must be received a minimum of 15 business days prior to the start of filming/shooting (including set-up).

 For advance authorization to film or photograph inside the Library, contact Johannes Steffens, Director of Communications and External Relations, at or (805) 893-4261.

Further information:

Food and Drink

Food and drink are allowed in most parts of the Library except where otherwise posted. To help keep the Library clean, please follow these rules: 

  • Keep food and drink away from Library materials and equipment.
  • Drinks must have lids.
  • Use designated trash and recycle bins.
  • Cooking or heating of foods and beverages of any kind is prohibited in all public spaces.
  • Alcohol is prohibited in the Library except during events approved and sponsored by the Library. Alcohol consumption by anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited at all times.

Group Study Rooms

Reservable and Drop-in Group Study Rooms are located throughout the Library and are for UCSB students, faculty, and staff of 2 or more. Reservations may be made online 2 weeks in advance and for up to 4 hours per week at the Group Study Room Reservation System. Group Study Rooms may not be used for instruction, office hours, or other standing meetings.


Loitering in or near Library buildings is prohibited and is in violation of California Penal Code, Section 647h.

Meeting Rooms

The Library no longer offers any bookable space for meetings and events.


The Library has designated spaces for group work and for quiet study. Floors 5-8 and the Graduate Study Rooms in the Main Library are quiet areas. Quiet areas in the Music Library are marked with signs. Cell phone conversations, video conferencing, and group study are not allowed in quiet areas.  

Please be considerate of others. Note that even if you are using earphones, your electronic device may be loud enough to disrupt others. Limit cell phone use and video conferencing to areas where you will not disturb others.


Library areas may not be used for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.  There are four nap pods located on the 1st Floor Ocean Side of the Library that are designated for short rest periods. UCSB offers assistance for students in need of housing and shelter through its Basic Needs Resources.

Smoking, Tobacco, and e-Cigarettes

UCSB is a smoke-free and tobacco-free campus. Smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, and unregulated products are not allowed on any UC-owned or leased properties. California state law prohibits smoking inside a public building or in an area within 20 feet of a main exit, entrance, or operable window of a public building.  

Soliciting and Posting

Soliciting for donations, sales, petition signatures, and the like is not allowed in the Library and may be in violation of California Penal Code, Sections 647c or 626.6.

Posting/distributing literature and setting up tables within the building or near its entrances/landings/stairs are prohibited. See UCSB Campus Regulations for information about areas on campus where these activities are permitted.

Unattended Personal Belongings

For safety and security reasons, do not leave personal belongings unattended. If discovered, such belongings may be routed to Lost & Found at the UCSB Police Department or disposed of as appropriate. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property.

Vandalism/Destruction of Library Property

Misuse, defacing, or damaging Library materials, furniture, and facilities is forbidden. Such acts may be construed as vandalism and are in violation of California Education Code, Section 19910-19911, California Penal Code, Section 594 et seq., and UCSB Policy 5506.  


Policy Last Updated: January 11, 2023