Legacy Collections are those collections that are still held by and are accessible at Special Research Collections, but are no longer being developed or expanded in any way. The following SRC collections are examples of those that have been assigned this designation.  

For more information about these collections, please contact the Department of Special Research Collections: special@library.ucsb.edu

Charles Darwin/Evolution Collection, Mss 28

The collection contains printed and manuscript materials, photo albums, correspondences, pamphlets, diaries, and various ephemera by and relating to Charles Darwin and others interested in natural history and the theory of evolution. Includes material by Bernard Darwin, Francis Darwin, Thomas Henry Huxley, Julian Huxley, John Stuart Mill, and Marie Stopes among others.

With over 3,400 volumes, including first, signed, and limited editions, the Darwin/Evolution Collection was assembled to maintain a record of the debate on evolution and studies in related fields. Materials can be found from a variety of disciplines including anthropology, botany, genetics, geology, heredity, natural history, population and religion. The Charles Darwin/Evolution Collection (Mss 28) complements these printed materials. This collection contains manuscript materials, photo albums, correspondence, pamphlets, diaries, various ephemera and other printed materials relating to Charles Darwin and others interested in natural history and the theory of evolution.

Lawrence B. Romaine Trade Catalog Collection, Mss 107

Lawrence B. Romaine (1900-1967) was an antiquarian book dealer, who bought and sold rare books, manuscripts, trade catalogs, and other Americana. Romaine was recognized as the leading expert in the U.S. on trade catalogs, and was the author of A Guide to American Trade Catalogs, 1774-1900 (New York: R. R.Bowker Company, 1960), the standard reference work in this field.)

More than 40,000 items that Romaine collected and which are arranged along the lines of his published guide. Primarily 19th and early 20th century American trade and advertising literature, with large sections relating to subjects such as agriculture, architecture, booksellers, building materials, department stores, electrical equipment, hardware, printers' supplies, scientific and industrial instruments, and seed catalogs. Also, related records for Romaine's bookselling business, Weathercock House. Bowker Company, 1960), the standard reference work in this field.

Items can be found via subject or name of company using the online guide to RTCC. Subjects are arranged alphabetically; with box numbers beginning anew for each subject/category. Within each subject, the items have been arranged alphabetically by manufacturer. Sometimes materials from a given company are found in more than one box, and in other cases apparently dissimilar materials may be located within a given box. Recently acquired trade catalogs have been cataloged individually. Over 1000 can now be searched via UC Library Search or WorldCat.

Also, see: Trade Catalog Additions, Mss 200 
Single and small groups of catalogs acquired from multiple sources, augmenting the Romaine Trade Catalog Collection.

Auction Catalogs (Mss 142) 

Printed catalogs of book auctions, mainly for Sotheby's, ca. 1938-1990. Arranged chronologically by company. Includes, inter alia, auction catalogs from Parke-Bernet Galleries, Sotheby & Co. (London, England), Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.