In lieu of planned tours of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh and the Coal Oil Point Reserve, Dr. Andrew Brooks, Director of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh, UC Natural Reserve System, and Charles Lester, Director of the Ocean & Coastal Policy Center at the Marine Science Institute, provide insight on how sea level rise will affect these local habitats via a video talk in conjunction with UCSB Reads 2020.
The UCSB Reads 2020 book pick, "Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore" by Elizabeth Rush combines reporting and lyrical storytelling to depict the impact of sea level rise in the United States.
In the book, she highlights the role of marshes and wetlands in storing carbon to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as well as providing resilience to flooding, storm surges, and coastal inundation. She also demonstrates how these ecosystems are some of the most vulnerable to climate change.
This video was filmed by Isaac Hernández / Mercury Press International. Watch to learn more.