In order to fight stigma and bring awareness to mental health issues, particularly in this current crisis, UCSB Library is pleased to partner with UCSB Health and Wellness in sharing resources to support our community during Mental Health Month.
While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. With the world turned upside down by coronavirus, many of us are experiencing worry, isolation, loneliness, and anxiety.
Knowledge is key in combating stigma, taking care of yourself, and embracing who you are. Visit UCSB Library’s new Mental Health Resources Libguide where you will find links to campus resources such as the new Student Wellbeing site and additional resources specifically for students and faculty/staff. The guide includes links to both popular and academic articles, books, and other reference materials related to mental health, as well as links to personal memoirs by people who have dealt with mental illness.
Additionally, we will be offering online programming during Mental Health Awareness Month. Join us for the following events:
May 20 - Instagram Takeover: UCSB Health and Wellness will take over UCSB Library’s Instagram to provide students with study break tips and general wellness tips.
May 26- Study Break: Join UCSB Library and UCSB Health and Wellness for an online Study Break! There will be a trivia game, guided meditation, and more. Check out the event listing for the planned activities.
In this time of uncertainty, remember you are not alone. Although we are apart, we are also always together as Gauchos.