The UCSB Library and the Office of Research would like to announce the launch of a new web resource:
Research Computing and Data
This website serves as UCSB's portal for faculty, students, and researchers to locate the campus computing and data resources that are broadly available. The computing section contains information on local and cloud computing options. The research data content includes resources on storage options and research data management, archiving, policy, and licensing, among other topics. Additional sections cover regulated research and shared instrumentation.
Also included are links to units and campus communities that support computing and data management. A calendar will feature events (meetings, workshops, talks) related to those topics as well as data science.
The website will be expanded over the coming year, and will be kept up-to-date over the long term by Library staff.
For questions or suggestions, contact Library Research Data Services at rds@library.ucsb.edu.
Kristin Antelman, University Librarian
Kelly Caylor, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research