Study Space for Students Opening in Spring
The UCSB Library is preparing to reopen a portion of the main Library for limited student study space at the beginning of spring quarter, March 29.
The UCSB Library is preparing to reopen a portion of the main Library for limited student study space at the beginning of spring quarter, March 29.
After a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) resumed borrowing books from other libraries on Monday, October 19.
I want to welcome all new and returning students. Even though we have to welcome you virtually this year, I want you to know that all of us in the Library are working hard to support you so that you have a productive fall under these less than ideal circumstances.
Starting October 6, UCSB Library Special Research Collections (SRC) will offer limited research appointments in SRC’s Reading Room for UC Santa Barbara faculty and graduate students to access on-site SRC materials that are not available online and to access non-circulating materials from the Main Library and Music Library that are not available via the pickup and mailing service. UCSB Library remains closed for general walk-in use.
As of September 13, the main Library and Music Library are fully reopen for UCSB students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Note: Submissions for this event are now closed as we are at capacity. Thank you for your interest.
“Deep Dish with the University Librarian” is a regular event that offers students the opportunity to meet with University Librarian Kristin Antelman and provide feedback about UCSB Library.
Join the University Librarian, Kristin Antelman, for an exploration of how the Library can better serve students on their mobile devices. We’re looking for 20 students to join us for free pizza and a focus group conversation on the topic of “Library+Phone.”
The University of California has been out of contract with Elsevier since January. Unfortunately, in late February the negotiations stalled.
In April 2019, University of California (UC) and Cambridge University Press announced that they had entered into a transformative open access agreement that will give UC authors who publish with Cambridge the opportunity to make their research freely available and advance the global shift toward an