The Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters (PPB) was founded in 1966 to preserve the memory of West Coast broadcasting in the "golden age" of radio. The organization collected some of the most interesting and famous radio scripts, memorabilia, and sound recordings from American broadcasting history. The PPB collections include about 10,000 individual scripts, 20,000 transcription discs, and 20,000 tapes. These materials document a major part of the history of radio broadcasting. The Thousand Oaks Library Foundation formed a joint venture with the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters in January 2001 to provide a permanent home for the PPB collections. In April, 2014 the collection was donated to the TOLF and in 2021 was subsequently transferred to the University of California. 

Due to its size, the collection will be processed in stages. Currently, the collection of scripts and the collection of PPB oral histories conducted by Les Tremayne is open to researchers. 

For a description and inventory of the collection, consult the finding guide in the Online Archive of California (OAC). 

For more information on the collection or assistance in using the materials, please contact Special Collections staff at