The coronavirus outbreak is affecting the entire world and will alter our lives in ways we can’t yet predict. We understand that every individual has been impacted and the personal experiences of UCSB students, faculty, and staff are unique.
To document this moment in time for generations to come, UCSB Library Special Research Collections archivists have set out to record and preserve these experiences by building a digital community archives collection comprised entirely of user-generated content related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We encourage UCSB students, faculty, and staff to submit original content to the COVID-19 Community Archives Project via a formal submission platform. Content can include a wide range of formats, including journal entries, poems, photographs or videos, social media posts, zines, video or voice recordings.
Our archivists will store, maintain, and make accessible that data as a unique University Archives collection. Once content has been processed, a digital exhibit will be accessible to the general public.
The quarantine has provided a unique opportunity for us to connect with each other and our campus community in a truly meaningful way. By preserving these shared experiences, our hope is to play an active part in the healing process.
Learn more about the project and how you can submit content.