Opening Event for exhibition "From Eunice Foote to UCSB: A Story of Women, Science and Climate Change"
UCSB Library invites campus and the community to the opening event for the new exhibition From Eunice Foote to UCSB: A Story of Women, Science and Climate Change.
Event will include a panel discussion with UCSB faculty Leila Carvalho (Geography), Summer Gray (Environmental Studies), Lorraine Lisiecki (Earth Science), Samantha Stevenson (Bren School) and Anna Trugman (Geography). Moderated by David Pellow (Environmental Studies).
The panel will be followed by a reception and opportunity to view the exhibition.
Also on display during the opening is the November 1856 (volume 22) of The American Journal of Science & Arts where Eunice Foote’s paper "Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays" appeared on page 282 and 283. The original printed paper cover of this volume appears exactly as Foote’s readers saw it in 1856. This original volume was generously loaned by Jay Dillon Rare Books & Manuscripts, Monmouth Beach, New Jersey
Please click here for an article about the exhibition and event.