We know you have many options for supporting areas of excellence at UCSB - thank you for investing in the UCSB Library. The impact of your giving will be meaningful as we continue to deepen our commitment to students, faculty and scholars.
Donate Online
You may give a gift online through the campus Online Giving site using a credit card.
Send a Check
Checks can be made out to UCSB Foundation. Payments can be mailed to the Library Development Office at UCSB Library, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010.
Planned Giving
Donors may wish to make provisions for the UCSB Library in their bequest and estate plans. To read about ways to support the library and simultaneously improve your financial security, visit UCSB’s Planned Giving pages.
Gifts of Appreciated Property and Securities
Charitable gifts of appreciated property, including real estate or capital gains securities, can provide even greater tax benefits than a cash gift of equal value.
Naming Opportunities and Library Endowments
An investment in the Library is an investment in the UCSB community. If you are interested in making a gift towards an endowment, a naming opportunity or for a special project, please contact Heather Silva, Senior Director of Develpment, at (805) 893-5732 or heathersilva@ucsb.edu, for further information.
Donations of Books and Other Materials
Library Gift Acceptance Policy
Rare and antiquarian books, personal papers, archival collections, organizational records, historical manuscripts, antiquarian maps, historical sound recordings, and other unique and rare materials are actively sought by the library and maintained by the Department of Special Research Collections. Please visit the Special Research Collections area of this website to learn about our collections and to review our Collection Management Policy.
For additional information about donating materials, please contact Lidia Uziel, Associate University Librarian, Research Resources and Scholarly Communication
Beginning July 1, 2012, the administrative fee assessed upon receipt of new gifts and pledge payments (on pledges made subsequent to July 1, 2012) to the UC Santa Barbara Foundation and The Regents of the University of California for the benefit of the Santa Barbara campus will be increased to 6%. For gifts in excess of $3 million, the total assessment will be capped at $180,000.