A collage of zine covers from the collection
Fri, Jul 2, 11:51 am | Collections, Art & Architecture
UCSB Library is launching its first circulating zine collection! The Social Justice Zine Collection includes more than 70 works made by zinesters, primarily based in California, who publish on a variety of social justice topics. Zines (pronounced "zeens" like "magazines") are do-it-yourself...
Historic photo of the exterior of the first Santa Barbara Public Library
In a prime example of inter-library collaboration, the Santa Barbara Public Library (SBPL) recently partnered with the UCSB Library Special Research Collections to preserve more than 3,000 historic photos of Santa Barbara County collected by Santa Barbara native Edson Smith; 104 issues of Santa...
UCSB Reads Sneak Peek logo with book titles in background
Wed, Jun 23, 11:28 am | UCSB Reads
The UCSB Reads selection committee has announced its shortlist of titles under consideration for UCSB Reads 2022. The selections span the genres of science fiction short stories, fiction, nonfiction, and biographical essays. They explore subjects of free will, bioethics, grief, privilege, poverty...
An iPad being pulled from a shelf of print books
Mon, Jun 21, 3:40 pm | Student Success, Services, Research Services
When the UCSB Library and campus closed suddenly in March 2020 because of the growing COVID-19 pandemic, the expected duration of closure was estimated at a mere three weeks. Over the past 15 months, our community has experienced a multitude of personal and professional challenges and...
Roger Camp
Roger O. Camp ticks off all of the boxes as a friend of the UC Santa Barbara Library: alumnus (‘67), collection donor, and Legacy Circle member. A longtime supporter of the Library, Camp reached out this spring with an inquiry: “Would the Library be interested in acquiring [his] life’s work as a...
UC Library Search logo on gradient background
Fri, Jun 11, 3:23 pm | Research Services, UC Library Search
UC Library Search will replace UCSB Library Search and Melvyl as the new unified UC-wide discovery tool on July 27, 2021. Some services and functions will be impacted starting July 7. To help you prepare for the transition to UC Library Search, review the following Q&A’s:  What will happen to...
New booth furniture in the library
Mon, Jun 7, 11:10 am | Services
On May 17, the UCSB Library moved into the third phase of the building reopening, expanding study space to more of the 2nd floor, including the Paseo Bridge. Additionally, we extended evening hours from Sunday-Thursday until 9 p.m. Requested materials can now be picked up anytime the building is...
Library Award for Undergraduate Research Logo
On June 3, the Library celebrated the six students who received the third annual UCSB Library Award for Undergraduate Research (LAUR), which recognizes students who produce a scholarly or creative work that makes expert and sophisticated use of the collections, resources, and services of the UCSB...
Sunglasses next to book on the sand with text that reads, "Summer 2021 Book Club"
UCSB Library is excited to launch summer book clubs to bring the campus and community together to connect with others who love literature and engage in peer-led discussions on interesting topics. The summer book clubs will focus on the five books nominated for the UCSB Reads 2022 shortlist, which...
Yao Chen
Tue, Jun 1, 4:05 pm | Library Employees
Yao Chen joined the UCSB Library in January 2020 and serves as the East Asian Studies & Global Studies Librarian. She has already accomplished a lot in the role despite the COVID-19 pandemic and abrupt shift to remote learning that happened shortly after she came on board. In the last year...
