Kristin Antelman
I want to welcome all new and returning students. Even though we have to welcome you virtually this year, I want you to know that all of us in the Library are working hard to support you so that you have a productive fall under these less than ideal circumstances. While the UCSB Library building is...
Robert O'Brien playing records.
UC Santa Barbara Library Special Research Collections was given an impressive collection of theatrical Shakespeare recordings last fall, a legacy of scholar and author, Dr. Robert J. O’Brien, who accumulated the collection over his many years of study, collection, and travel. The Dr. Robert J. O’...
SRC Reading Room
Starting October 6, UCSB Library Special Research Collections (SRC) will offer limited research appointments in SRC’s Reading Room for UC Santa Barbara faculty and graduate students to access on-site SRC materials that are not available online and to access non-circulating materials from the Main...
Mental Health Awareness Ribbon
UCSB Health & Wellness has partnered with UCSB Library to fund and grow the Well-being Resources Collection, which has become increasingly important as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect mental health.  Nearly 80 new titles are now accessible at UCSB Library, of which about half are e-...
Dalip Singh Saund in front of the U.S. Capitol.
Dalip Singh Saund made history in 1957 when he became the first Asian American, the first Indian American, and the first Sikh elected to the United States Congress, serving California’s 29th District in the House of Representatives until 1963. His papers were recently donated to UCSB Library...
Sautter Award Logo
Tue, Sep 1, 11:45 am | Technology
Information technology staff from UC Santa Barbara Library and UC San Diego Library were recognized at the Virtual UC Tech Conference hosted by UCLA on Aug. 11 with a Golden Sautter Award for their work on Starlight, an open-source, cross-campus collaborative project to create a UC-specific...
Tue, Sep 1, 11:21 am | Collections
"In comics at its best, words and pictures are like partners in a dance and each one takes turns leading.” — Scott McCloud Across the world, graphic narratives take many different names—comics, manga, manwha, zines, cordeis, and many more—with each exploring new territory within the “dance” between...
Question marks
When will the Library building reopen? As of September 13, the main Library and Music Library are fully reopen for UCSB students, faculty, staff, and community members. What precautions are you taking to protect Library users? All faculty and staff members, students, and visitors to campus are...
Tracie Hall
Wed, Jul 29, 4:57 pm | Student Success
As the American Library Association's new Executive Director, Tracie D. Hall (UCSB '91), is bringing together the nation's libraries for a wider social mission. Describing her visits to the Watts branch of the Los Angeles Public Library as a child, Hall seemed agape. “It felt huge and like a church...
UCSB Reads 2021 logo on top of book spines
Tue, Jul 28, 8:16 am | UCSB Reads
The UCSB Reads Committee has announced its shortlist of titles under consideration for UCSB Reads 2021. This year, in recognition of the extraordinary and necessary attention to race in this country, all the titles grapple with race. The list includes memoirs, a novel, a book of poetry, and for the...
