Esri ArcGIS Products

The UCSB Library provides a university-wide site license for the Esri suite of GIS software. This includes desktop and server software, ArcGIS Online, extensive cloud-based data services such as image analysis and address geocoding.

ArcGIS Pro

In the DREAM Lab 

On your Windows PC

All students, staff, and faculty at UCSB are eligible for a license to ArcGIS Pro for their personal computers.  Fill out this form from a UCSB email address to request your license and download the software.

Please review the Installation instructions for ArcGIS Pro. They can be found here.

Personal ArcPro licenses are tied to users UCSB NetIDs and need to be authorized once before use but do not need to be renewed, because they are tied to the users's university affiliation.  

If you are using a UCSB device, or need to run ArcGIS Pro when not connected to the Internet, request a Single Use License.

For UCSB-owned Windows PC

If you are affiliated with one of the site-license contributors listed below: please contact your local technical support for access to Esri software. 

  • Bren School: Brad Hill
  • ERI/General Research IT(GRIT): 
  • National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis: Mark Schildhauer
  • Marine Science Institute: Brian Emery
  • Life Sciences: Life Sciences Group Helpdesk
  • UCSB Library: Jon Jablonski
  • Facilities Management: Paul Bartsch
  • Letters & Sciences Departments: Contact the DREAM Lab for access to Esri software.  

ArcMap 10.8.x

ArcMap 10.8.2 has entered 'mature support.' Esri has no plans to further develop this product. More information about ArcMap's retirement can be found here.

Use the Limited/Specialty License form to request ArcMap only if you desperately need it. 

Installation instructions for ArcMap can be found here

If you have any questions please email

ArcGIS Online

All users with UCSB NetIDs have access to ArcGIS Online, a platform for creating and sharing maps, mapping applications, and data. More information about ArcGIS Online.

On the Server

Esri's server-side applications are all available for campus use.  AWS and Azure both support ArcGIS Server products.  Please contact us for information about Esri server software.

Getting support

We have a page of troubleshooting tips for some common issues with ArcGIS Desktop. The Library has a number of GIS training manuals and workbooks available as part of its collection--both print and e-book editions.  Search UC Library Search.

Esri Training

Esri provides access to all of its online training materials as part of our campus site license.  Signing on to ArcGIS Online for the first time gives you access to anything marked "Requires Maintenance" in Esri's catalog. An excellent starting point for both beginners and experience researchers looking for an overview of Esri technologies is Modern GIS: An ArcGIS tutorial collection.

Contact the DREAM Lab

The DREAM Lab is available for basic Esri support.  We are happy to get you started using ArcGIS Pro on your Windows desktop, help you to choose a Virtual Campus class, or to identify data from our collections or on the Internet to help you complete your mapping and spatial analysis projects.  Please email us at

Campus GIS Discussion List

You can subscribe to our GIS issues Google Group. You may also be interested in our page describing GIS activities in the Library and around campus.

Several UCSB entities contribute to a university-wide site license for the Esri suite of GIS software. Several different options are available, depending on your departmental affiliations and how you want to use the software.