Please read the new choices carefully before filling out this form.

This form is for library employees to report statistics about instruction for UCSB Library.

All required fields are marked with one red asterisk (*).

Notify the Director of Teaching & Learning if you have difficulty completing this form.


Hold the control or command key to select more than one name. Designate one instructor to report multiple sessions (e.g., Carpentry workshops).
Select this field if you have multiple library instructors teaching an instruction session.
Last name only. For workshops and other non-course integrated instruction, skip to course department.
Notify the Director of Teaching & Learning if you don’t find the option you need.
Omit department letters. Enter numbers and following letters only (Example: 101E ). If OTHER, briefly describe the event.
Enter the number of attendees (Example: 24).
Select “Hybrid” as your instruction modality if you delivered online instructional materials along with an in-person session.
Month, Day, & Year are required. You must select a date before submitting the form.
Indicate whether your instruction was delivered in a single session or a sequence of multiple sessions. If it's in a sequence, use the next field to quantify the total number of sessions.
If the instruction was in multiple sessions, fill in the number of instruction sessions.