Gather and Graft: An Arts Workshop
Space is limited. Sign up for the Workshop
Light refreshments will be served.
Join us for a free art making workshop at the Library in conjunction with UCSB Reads 2024 and the Art, Design, and Architecture (AD&A) Museum's new exhibition "A Box of One's Own: Women Beyond Borders." Participants will work with materials that include a wooden box, California native plant images and seeds, soil, collage supplies, and paint.
Gather and Graft will be led by MFA graduate student Negar Farajiani, whose social practice projects addresses global environmental and social issues. In this workshop, participants from across campus will exchange ideas within a performative setting.
Exhibition Tour: Please visit the AD&A exhibition for inspiration prior to the workshop, either on your own, or, at 4PM immediately before the workshop, when Leticia Cobra Lima, PhD Candidate in the Dept. of Art & Architecture, will lead a short guided tour.
Image Credit: Seniloli Sovea, Jewels of Fiji (1999), 2023.005.132, Women Beyond Borders Art Collection founded by Lorraine Serena, the Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara.
This event is co-sponsored by the AD&A Museum.