Cultura Cura: 50 Years of Self Help Graphics in East LA
UCSB Library is pleased to present an exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of Los Angeles cultural arts center and studio Self Help Graphics (SHG). Exhibition materials will be drawn from the Library's California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives, which includes an extensive collection of SHG studio silk screen prints, as well as organizational records, photographs, and ephemera. SHG was founded in the early 1970s, during the height of the Chicano Civil Rights movement, by artists Carlos Bueno, Antonio Ibanez, Frank Hernandez, and Sister Karen Boccalero.
Please check hours for Special Research Collections here.
On Friday, February 23 at 12:00PM, "Aesthetic Mobility and Solidarities at Self Help Graphics and Art," a presentation by Karen Mary Davalos and Tatiana Reinoza will be offered on zoom in conjunction with the IHC's "Imagining California" Public Event Series. More Information and to Register Now
UCSB Library is grateful to The Fund for Santa Barbara for their generous contribution.
Please join us at 5PM on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 for an event and reception to celebrate the opening of the exhibition.