Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) enable immersive, interactive environments that can transform how data is presented and understood. These technologies open up exciting possibilities for data storytelling, education, collaborative work, and design, making abstract concepts more tangible and engaging.
UCSB students, staff, and faculty are invited to use the DREAM Lab's AR/VR studio to build and interact with complex 3D models and virtual environments. The studio is designed to be used by individuals or small groups. Meta Quest 3 headsets are available, or you may bring your own headset. Content creation software tools, including Blender, Metashape Pro, and Unreal Engine are available on all workstations. Steam and Epic Games are available on select workstations. 

To use the AR/VR lab, reserve time on one of the workstations

During your first visit, you will receive a brief orientation on the equipment and studio policies. The room should not be used as a study space. Use of the space is limited to current students, faculty, and staff.