Art of Science, 2015
View the Exhibition
Art helps us see the world. Science teaches us to define it. Combine them, and the world is magnified beyond measure.
Bones, soil, lipids, polymers, supernovas — they are all represented here in the second annual campus-wide Art of Science competition. And you don’t have to understand any of those things to appreciate their beauty.
The Art of Science competition challenges UCSB researchers — undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs — to express the joy of scientific discovery through aesthetics.
The 10 images on exhibit were selected by a panel of judges, and by popular vote, based on their aesthetic excellence as well as scientific or technical interest. A clear and engaging description that communicates the science behind the image was a key element in the selection; original captions are posted here.
The competition was organized by UCSB’s Schuller Lab and Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships at the California NanoSystems Institute. The UCSB Library is proud to showcase these eye-opening and defining intersections of art and science.
For more information about the contest, and to see more submitted images, visit art-csep.cnsi.ucsb.edu.